Tonight my love tonight lyrics - Paul Anka

See the full Tonight my love tonight lyrics from Paul Anka. Tonight my love tonight lyrics belongs on the album Singles. Learn every word of your favourite song and get the meaning or start your own concert tonight :-). Rate this song's lyrics. Uploaded by Gertie Reich. Use it for personal and educational purposes only. Listen to these sick beats by Paul Anka.

Song Tonight my love tonight video
Paul Anka - Tonight my love tonight video

Tonight my love tonight lyrics

Let me hold you in my arms
Let me thrill to all your charms
Hold me, hold me, hold me tight
Tonight, tonight my love, tonight
Love me, love me, love me so
And never, never let me go
Hold me, hold me, hold me right
Tonight, tonight my love, tonight
Forever, I will love you forever
The mandolins are playin'
The moon above is sayin'
It's love, it's love, I know, I know it's love
Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me warm
Make me feel like I've been born
Hold me, hold me, hold me right
Tonight, tonight my love, tonight
Forever, I will love you forever, yes I will
The mandolins are playin'
The moon above is sayin'
It's love, it's love, I know, I know it's love
Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me warm
Make me feel like I've been born
Hold me, hold me, hold me right
Tonight, tonight my love, tonight

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