Sadie lyrics - Off With Their Heads

See the full Sadie lyrics from Off With Their Heads. Sadie lyrics belongs on the album All Things Move Toward Their End. Learn every word of your favourite song and get the meaning or start your own concert tonight :-). Rate this song's lyrics. Uploaded by Millie. Use it for personal and educational purposes only. Listen to these sick beats by Off With Their Heads.

Song Sadie video
Off With Their Heads - Sadie video

Sadie lyrics

Oh Sadie, do you want to steal your mother's car?
Don't forget her credit cards.
Man, I gotta find a way to get out of here.
Do you want to go now?

Oh Sadie, I hear the desert is pretty nice
This time of year. Let's not think twice.
Just smoke that shit up and let's drive.
We'll tell 'em what it's like to be alive.

Oh Sadie, let's get out and start a fight.
This desert town Bonnie and Clyde.
We can find God and capture his light.
We'll make him bow under our might.

You're the best f***ing dream I ever had.
Do you want to go murder my dad?
We can bury him under the stairs.
We won't get caught. I'm prepared.

Oh Sadie, I'm sorry you wound up in jail.
I spent your mom's money, no bail.
Wasn't it fun while it lasted?
I hope you don't think I'm a bastard.

You better call me baby for the rest of your life.
Though you're incarcerated, I got the feeling you won't find
No one as good as me. No you won't.

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